yMuch to the hacker's hate, I'm back. My blog had been deleted by an anonymous 'person'. But thanks to google, I got it back! Meanwhile, when I was missing my blog, I started posting on another blog. Why, you ask me? Because post break-up trauma was crippling me and I had no frustration-outlet. Yeah, yeah. Give me the whole 'you are a tragic hero sympathy seeking soul you should be mercilessly killed and everyone should hate you/dump you/leave you' crap. The point is, I still, DON'T give a DAMN!
Anyway, before I forget, I'm posting elsewhere. Please show your love/hate/gut-wrenching stupidity there. Love ya all!! Muah!!!!!
Oh, I almost forgot to add. I got a new lappie! So expect only more posts per month.
Yours Truly,
Shiva Aditya/Velcro/Rocky/Lord Curzon/Ceasar
Amen to damnation!

My man! Soul Brother huh!
"Meanwhile, when I was missing my blog, I started posting on another blog. Why, you ask me? Because post break-up trauma was crippling me and I had no frustration-outlet."
I cant believe you cheated on your blog.. terpsikure deserves more respect dammit! this was a traumatic time for her, and you started posting on ANOTHER blog?! for shame, anthony blood, for shame.
Nice Ass Crack !
your blog should be censored !!! lol :P for images that corrupt the minds of young children ! ( not me ! )and how dare u show off my poor poor Homer's naked butt !!! And pity i saw this now after u got it back.. or i woulda left a comment insulting whoever tried hacking it in the first place.. silly losers...
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