Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The End is the Beginning is the End

Originally posted on:

Monday, January 14, 2008

'What is wrong with Terpsikure?' I heard the overtly obnoxious lecher around the corner say. 'Its not Vicissitudes of a certain Velcro anymore. Its Vicissitudes of every other man in the world!'. Of course, my admirer. I told ya. We're going global. So it ought to change. Who knows? Social Media might buy me too!

This post is a very special post. Because Lips decided to post on my blog! He otherwise posts at Steal This Blog. In the past, he free lanced for JAM, JLT and HydroGen.

This is very unusual though. Because when I first asked Der Untermensch a.k.a Lips to Guest Blog for me, I knew that I would get his post in the December of 2011. So when he mailed me with his post, I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoy his writings a lot. I'm sure you'll enjoy it too.

************The guest blog starts here************

I cant write anymore. I hate the world too much. I have been away from my regular stomping grounds for a few months, and havent posted to my blog since November. I have had the opportunity to travel a little. Reflect. I've seen the world. Contemplated its mysteries. Pierced the shadows, lifted the veil etc. etc. ..And i hate every last sentient molecule of it. I realise now that maintaining a blog was a feeble attempt at defining my reality. Confining it within a few words, and then processing it for mass consumption. But I just cant do it anymore. Think of it as suicide. Think of me as a martyr. Your own personal Jesus [snicker, snicker]. (Or your own personal Wolverine [Snikt, Snikt]) I'm moving on now, forcing my own evolution. Meta-sapience is a quark's breadth away. This is the last transmission from a dying intelligence. Cue last chance to evacuate planet earth before it is recycled. Cue comatose by Ayreon. Cue the last trumpets. Cue the lamb and the seventh seal and the whore of babylon and the three esoteric trials of man. Cue the end of it all.

I want to go away, as far away from myself as i can. I want to run away from it all, crash through the safety barriers, and drift off into space.. like a comet, scream across the blood red horizons, and then fade away into the middle distance. I want to collapse into myself. Implode. Curl up and fucken die. On second thought, I just want to stop contradicting myself.

Something vaguely 'Zen' would be appropriate here. I'm feeble at haiku, so here's a nifty aphorism instead.

"You may use the finger to point at the moon, but once you see it, the finger is no longer essential."

Think of words. We dont use words to describe the world around us.We use words to *create* the world around us. Our reality. The words are just a mirror of the code beneath it all.Which is merely an extension of ourselves.

And once we truly *see* the world, the words are no longer essential.

So do i see the world, finally?

I dont know.

But I'm holding up a finger.
And I'm pointing it at the world.
Guess which one.

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