Well its exactly
People have huge misconceptions about Shiva. As in the God. We have misunderstandings in history. The death of a certain Indian leader some 50 years back is still controversial. Some say that his death was not natural but it was due to STD. And what about the JFK killing? Any idea as to who got him assassinated? Hitler, Subhash Chandra Bose, Kurt Cobain... Mysterious death circumstances. Forget what Dan Brown tries to prove with the Da Vinci Code. Forget about incidents that happened 2000 years back. About Jesus and the Holy Mother. Can you 'connect-the-dots' in case of the aforementioned deaths? Stuff that happened, last century?
What the eye didn't see, the heart didn't grieve over.
I don't know much about Shiva myself. Although, I am named after him and I am a Shaivite. And although, I am told to have a temper of Rudra and the dancing skills of Nataraja. What I do know, is that Shiva is associated with entirely wrong stuff these days. The single most misunderstood concept is his dance. Many of my friends, males and females alike, have associated his dance with obscenity. Which is quite false. His dance has a cosmic significance. The dance of Shiva and his mudras affect the earth. He is the God of Dance. Not the God of Shringar. We all know who God of Shringar is, don't we? Yesh. Our very own, Manmadha. I also know, that Shiva's ucchharan of the Omkar, has a process of evolution surrounded with.
Times have changed. There are sacreligious people all over. I mean those who defame religion for their own benefits. As in some party nights in
I had to bring up all these issues is because there have been too many signs. Too many that I couldn't ignore them on a daily basis. It all started when a 'friend' of mine said, that the name Shiva couldn't have suited anyone, any better. Then there are obvious signs like the name of my blog. Terpsichure, originally means dance. I changed it to Terpsikure so that it will sound more funky. I hear there are a lot of Shiva temples in Kerala? Then that explains why Sreesanth and my friend Sriram, both Mallus and both very expressive on and off the field are good dancers.
There is too much to know about Shiva. His ultimate Bhakt is an Asura(the evil people) whose first name is Ravan. He is the Adi-Yogi(the first Yogi there has ever been). He gives away wishes like Late Mr. NTR gave away subsidised rice to the poor when he was the CM of Andhra Pradesh. His vehicle is a cow and thats why the cow, is Holy. He has poison in his throat. He has a third eye. Pretty dangerous it can get at times. Manmadha Macha had a bad experience with it. Parvathi Devi, is his better half. Literally. That's why, he is also called as the Ardhanareeshwar. Now we don't exactly know why he shuns great palatial rest places which Vishnu and Brahma consider only mandatory for relaxing, but I like it. I adore it and I also follow it. My ruggedness is Shiva-inspired. Yes I am over-doing the 'I-am-great-you-need-to-look-at-yourself-in-the-mirror' but I don't care. I haven't eaten solid food for 30 hours now which is the longest period I ever went without food and which means I tend to write differently.
Seriously. Der Untermensch, Raul, Kellwyn, Shweta and some other friends had said the same things it was like it was something telepathic. Dood I need to sleep. Or maybe not. Or yes I do. I wonder what Anthony Blood is doing.
This blog, has a significance. It displays my change in mood from last night. It tells people what I think of Shiva in general.
P.S: No offence to anyone. Individual opinions enertained. But didn't intend to make fun or defame anyone.
Correction Shiva's vehicle is the bull. Brahma Vishnu and Shiva all are same Parabrahmam but take different forms based on different purposes.
awesome blog !!! very very interesting and perfectly shows the change in the mood of someone...also a very very interesting read !!!
Very well written :) but i wanna read it again to understand it better.. Shiva is definitely one of the most interesting Gods from our pantheon and I find him very intriguing myself.
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